Moscow, MKOO Komondor Plus, National All-Breed Show, CAC, judge Elena Nikolaevna Kudryavtseva. POALE ELL CHESTER — CW, JCAC, Best Junior, Junior Champion of the Federation, BOB, BIG 2.
Moscow, MKOO Pastush’i Porody Plus, National All-Breed Show, CAC, judge Tatyana Ivanovna Brovkina POALE ELL CHESTER — CW, JCAC, Best Junior, Junior Champion of the Federation, BOB.
Many thanks to Tatyana Chistonova for handling and grooming.
The World of Dogs

Chester and Cooper at the show on their birthday!
Our boys celebrated their first birthday (1 year) at the exhibition.

O’shea, Gerard. “On the Same Wavelength as a Dog”
Gerald O’Shea, a former successful professional handler.

Adventure May 1, 2018 or a nursery on a walk
May 1st is the first trip to nature after winter Moscow.

Budapest, Hungary. Our Adam — POALE ELL ADAM — for the third day in a row, excellent 1 (¼), CAC.
Budapest, Hungary.
For the third day in a row, our Adam — POALE ELL ADAM — excellent 1 (¼), CAC.
The little guy...