It would seem that nothing foreshadowed trouble, but we got into trouble! And it happened in the Moscow region. Under a layer of last year’s dry grass, a stream was babbling unnoticed. The front axle of our SUV carefully drove into this rut just across the stream with two wheels and almost sat on the frame!
The World of Dogs

Budapest, Hungary. Our Adam — POALE ELL ADAM — for the third day in a row, excellent 1 (¼), CAC.
Budapest, Hungary.
For the third day in a row, our Adam — POALE ELL ADAM — excellent 1 (¼), CAC.
The little guy...

Budapest, Hungary — SASQUEHANNA ELLA
Exellent 1, (1/3 compete),...

Budapest, Hungary — Day 2
Budapest, Hungary.
Fehova Winterdogshow СACIB 2
Judge: Mrs.Ricky Lochs-Romans (Holland)

Венгрия, Будапешт — первый день
Budapest, Hungary INT. Fehova Winterdogshow СACIB 1
Judge: Mr.Csaba Zsolt Lokodi (Romania)

Adam is the best puppy
Moscow. Regional dog show of all breeds of the rank CAC KChF, AKC, expert Ostrovskaya M.G., best puppy

We accept congratulations from our daughter Vika
We accept congratulations from our daughter Vika and her owner Lyubov!

Veles congratulated us on March 8th!
😁😍Thank you, happy holiday Natasha! And Veles is a great guy, he didn’t forget and gave mom the first flowers...

Nero (Zlato Dinastii Neron) is 14 years old. Congratulations, our famous dad!
Today is Nero’s birthday, at home it’s just Ronic (Zlato Dinastii Neron)