And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Poale Ell Vinsent   

And Poale Ell Vinsent gave us some good news today. A walk through the last wonderful snow.

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The World of Dogs

And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Our Vic sends his warmest greetings!

My dear, beloved little boy!
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Veles congratulated us on March 8th!

😁😍Thank you, happy holiday Natasha! And Veles is a great guy, he didn’t forget and gave mom the first flowers...
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Photoshoot. Greetings from Franklin!

Handsome Franklin sent his regards!
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Nero (Zlato Dinastii Neron) is 14 years old. Congratulations, our famous dad!

Today is Nero’s birthday, at home it’s just Ronic (Zlato Dinastii Neron)
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Laisan Island Franklin (Franklin). 6 months

Our son Laisan Island Franklin (Franklin). 6 months. Thanks to the owners for a beautiful photo shoot. 🤝🙏
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Felix is ​​the best puppy in the show!

Felix’s first exhibition and it’s already a sensation!
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Today Felix turned exactly 6 months old!)))

The kids are growing and have already reached a serious age.
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Greetings from Francis, we are 6 months old!

Our little Francis sent his greetings! Today the blond is 6 months old.
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Seminar for breeders and veterinary pharmacists.

And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Franklin sent his regards!

Greetings from Polar Zori!
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Victoria (Poale Ell Viktoriya) is one year old!

Our doll Vika sent her greetings!
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Vincent (Poale Ell Vinsent) — one year old!

Thank you for your concern!!!
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Veles (Poale Ell Veles) — one year old!

Our birthday boy Veles sent greetings! We always wait for news from our children.
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Frankel — new home!

Frankel (Laisan Island Frankel) will live in Moscow!
And Vinsent gave us some good news today. Chinese Crested Dog Kennel Poale Ell

Veles continues to delight everyone with his victories!

Best Junior of Group 9 (BIG1). Hurray!!!