We visited three exhibitions today.
Moscow, MKOO Professional, National Exhibition of Individual Breed Groups, judge Efimov Vadim Yuryevich, POALE ELL CHESTER — JCAC, BEST JO. Chester closed the title of Young Champion of Russia.
Moscow, MKOO Professional, single-breed exhibition of the KCHK rank, judge Ivanova Larisa Vladimirovna, POALE ELL CH-COOPER — CW, JKCHK, BEST JO.
Moscow, MKOO Novaya Klassika, single-breed exhibition of the KCHK rank, judge Ostrovskaya Marina Grigoryevna, POALE ELL CH-COOPER — CW, JKCHK, BEST JO, BOB, BEST JO of the exhibition. Cooper closed the title of Young Champion of the NKP.
We thank the esteemed experts for the excellent description and high assessment of the dogs.
Alla Shamilova, we are very glad to meet you!!!!!
The World of Dogs

Poale Ell Cooper — Junior Champion of Russia

Chester and Cooper at the show on their birthday!

O’shea, Gerard. “On the Same Wavelength as a Dog”