Хендлинг Китайских Хохлатых Собак.
- Питомник Show Galaktika, заводчик Татьяна Чистонова
- Питомник Star Show Bon Ami, заводчик Оксана Фомина
- Питомник Poale Ell, заводчик Ольга Петрова
The World of Dogs

We visited three exhibitions today.
Cooper closed the title of Junior Champion of the NKP, Chester is the Junior Champion of Russia.

Poale Ell Cooper — Junior Champion of Russia
In our kennel POALE ELL there is another Junior Champion of Russia.

Chester and Cooper at the show on their birthday!
Our boys celebrated their first birthday (1 year) at the exhibition.

O’shea, Gerard. “On the Same Wavelength as a Dog”
Gerald O’Shea, a former successful professional handler.